Hello beloveds,
It's my first blog post of the year and we are already half way through Feb!
I took a little break from writing, although reflection has been constant. Actually, I find myself reflecting all the time; when I am walking my dog, when I am watching my kids play, when I am washing dishes. I find so many similarities in the every day tasks and what life is teaching us.
My dogs unconditional love and trust in me, despite being abused by fellow humans prior to arriving to a shelter, has been such an inspiration in my life. He always reminds me that love is the answer to all and everything.
That trust is greater than fear.
That forgiveness is healthier than holding on.
Thank you Beau, my fury child.

A recent reflection that evolved into my 2021 intention.
I couldn’t really force “resolutions” at the end of last year and all that “improvement” stuff, “to be better and improved” at this and that, already implies that I am not enough as I am. And that the 'I' who is not enough, somehow needs to make myself better? How ironic. So who is improving whom here?
But what resonated with me is this ... Keep Showing up.
I plastered this on a few places around my house, in the kitchen, in my yoga room, in my car even.
It is there to remind me not to be held prisoner by seeking perfection, but rather to simply show up every day towards any of the achievements I set to accomplish. To allow myself to imperfectly, and authentically, show up.

A year ago, I started showing up in my “middle of the room” handstand journey.
You know, one without the safety wall nearby. I joined a group, of which many were already doing advanced handstand practice, while I was learning to let go of fear and to safely fall out of handstand.
Right at the beginning I realised that cartwheeling is not like riding a bicycle...'once you learn it you never forget' type of thing. Oh no. You can be the best at cartwheeling as a child, but fast forward to adult life and your cart wheel looks like a bunny wheel.
Nonetheless I wasn’t discouraged. And although I couldn’t help but wonder if I would ever be able to handstand wall-free so effortlessly like the rest, I kept showing up every week willing to be imperfect, to fall, to try 100 times per class.
Relatively soon, I started to see the fruits of my (imperfect) labour and learned my first lesson: Showing up is already 90 % of our success!
A few days ago I held my first 20 seconds middle of the room solid handstand and it fell so damn good. The only reason I feel out of it, was because i couldn’t believe i was still up! Haha!

On to some yoga news...
My Zoom Classes are still going, now for nearly 1 year. I hesitate to say 'thank you Covid' for making me do it, but in all honesty I would have never thought about Zoom Yoga or staying connected with so many of you twice a week.
I will be making small changes to my Zoom Classes:
I will continue to offer two Zoom classes a week - now a Sunday class ( instead of Saturday).
Wednesday morning 9 am
Sunday at 12 noon
both are local Dubai timings
To purchase the class (live or recording) or a monthly package please check out the yoga section of the website.

I have added additional public studio class on Saturday and now will be teaching 3 public classes at Zoga, downtown Dubai - CLICK HERE
In between all my yoga offerings (privates, group, zoom) I manage to squeeze in some life coaching sessions - more about that under 'Coaching'.

And then there is my gorgeous family that I always do my best to carve time for - be it to meet them at the beach for some play after my class, or to take them to music classes, tennis practice or parkour class while I continue to show up for my imperfect handstand practice.
To see us goof around (doing yoga most of the time) I posted a few fun pics on my Instagram page @yogidanica
By simply showing up, I hope to teach my kids the same; to show up, have fun and let the perfection take a back seat and watch imperfection get things done!
Until next time,
Big love,